Annette xx

Oct 19, 20202 min

Welcome To Keep Smiling Mama!

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Hello! My name is Annette and I’m a stay at home mum with two children. Mr I is aged 3.5 (well 3.75 to be precise) and Miss C is just over 2. I’m a qualified primary teacher, born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. I decided to start writing this blog, to encourage other mummas out there; particularly first time mums, and those who have the baby/toddler type of combo, to keep smiling…keep going. I often get people asking me about life with my two munchkins, and the juggling act that it is (they are 18months apart for those such as myself who are a bit slow in the Maths department 😉).

I aim to share survival tips, my experiences, the highs and lows of being a mumma! No doubt, there will be some recipes, activities, day-to-day shenanigans…and anything else I happen to think of. If there’s any particular question or topic you would love to hear about/talk about, please feel free to send me a message! No matter what your situation, all us mummas go through similar emotions – especially in those early days. Having a baby can be overwhelming and if you’re like me, most days you have no idea what on Earth you are doing and just wing it! Whatever you’re feeling – you’re not alone!! Even the ‘ínstagram perfect’ mummas who seem like they have everything together, *spoiler alert* they don’t, none of us do! We all have ‘those’ moments, good days and bad. A big saying I have learned to live by is – ‘’you do what you gotta do to get through the day’’. No judgements here. Breastfed/bottlefed/screentime/pureed food/packaged food/co-sleeping/baby wearing – as a wise mum once told me: YOU DO YOU, what works for YOU and your family.

Mumlife is a whole new world. Let’s share our experiences – laugh together and cry together. You don’t have to walk the walk alone. Comment below and introduce yourself, share with your friends. Come and join us on a journey of all that is motherhood.

Mumma, we’ve got this!

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for updates on my latest blogs and posts.

Until next time, keep smiling pretties!

Annette xx
